About Us
Hi! My name is Elna and Im the owner of The historical fabric store. I am myself a reenactor and costume seamstress. Sewing has always been a natural part of my life. When I was little I made clothing for my dolls and In my teens I discovered historical costumes, specifically 18th century clothing and viking clothing. What a world! This became a big hobby for me and over the years I have spent all my time learning more and more every year. I started selling my costumes as well as some fabrics, but I felt it was a bit hard and time consuming finding all the materials needed for different time periods so I decided to start a shop where custumers could find everything in one place; and the historical fabric store was created!
Now I have myshop and sewing studio and stock on the Swedish countryside and ship to reenactors and costume makers all over the world, and also selling the fabrics on markets around scandinavia in the summers.
I get in new products all the time so make sure to get our news mail and like/follow facebook and instagram.
Let me know if you would like to see anything in particular or have any questions!
/Regards Elna
Foto: Chayenne Olander

You may not have noticed that our logo is actually a fenix. Why a fenix? The company was created after getting better from a period with not being able to work because of a cronic condition. Getting your life back after illness can truly make you feel like a fenix.